Well, it's here. I know you are probably not as excited as I am, but I will finally get to see my hard work pay off (hopefully). If you have no clue what I'm talking about, I suggest you read this first. For those who read my last post and know what this is about, kudos! I'll just do a quick rundown of it again. 

The Forgotten is a documentary telling the lives of the boys who live on the streets of Kenya. These boys have run away from home, and often are considered dead as the family has no way to know where they are. In order to film, produce, and distribute, we need additional funds! That's the last post in a nutshell. 

For more information about the film, check out it's website at www.ForgottenStreetChildren.com
In order to donate or learn what we need additional funds for, head on over to www.IndieGoGo.com/ForgottenTheMovie
Be sure and connect with us on Facebook and Google+!

Check out our latest promo video below.
Thanks for reading this, and please share with your friends and family! Help us tell the stories of these boys.

Nick, the Towheaded Rambler

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