Think about that question for a it worth it? The odds are overwhelming, whenever progress is made it is celebrated then forgotten about because of some new horror. An estimated 600,000-800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across borders each year. [1] Such a huge number..... It seems to beg the question, "What could I do? It's too big of a problem." When we decide to take a stand against injustice, are we easily dissuaded?  Do we give up when we hit the first wall? 

Some of you may have heard the argument "Why do anything to stop trafficking? It's too big of a problem to solve, so why bother?" and on the surface, it may seem like a valid point. But it isn't. Success is being made by the many organizations, both NGO's and Governmental, that are working to combat this. See for yourself, read the updates from IJM, the International Justice Mission. Progress may seem small, but change always begins small. 

Instead of giving up because we don't succeed instantly (this is the topic of another post/video I'm working on, stay tuned!) keep going! Believe that we can make a difference, especially when God is on our side. Watch the video below, it's incredible. 
I pray that you are filled with a burning fire to go out and take a stand against injustice!

In Christ,
Nick, the Towheaded Rambler

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