Well this is it... Earlier this morning my dad and the 5 middle kids left for San Francisco International Airport, and in just a bit my mom, Grace, Charlie and I, will be leaving as well. Heading from SFO to London, then on to Nairobi.

I was asked yesterday if I was anxious or scared or what? Honestly I don't think it's hit me yet. We have such a crazily busy life that the packing? Just slightly larger than anything we've done in the past 6 years. The leaving? Not such a big deal, we travel all the time. I'm not quite sure when I'll feel that "oh snap, we're gone" kinda feeling, or if I ever will. It's just so, surreal...

That said, I am extremely grateful to all of my friends, friend's parents, friend's friends, etc. All of you have been super supportive and helped us in many ways. Whether it was packing a room, bringing a meal, hanging out with us, you have all made an impact in one way or another. Please keep us in your prayers and please keep in touch! I'm providing my contact info below so you guys can do so :)

Skype name: ngkjeldgaard
Gmail: [email protected]
HeyTell: [email protected]
FaceTime: nick@ekandfamily OR [email protected]
Textie: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nicholas.kjeldgaard
Twitter: ngkjeldgaard

As you can see there's a ton of ways to communicate with us, as well as following along on our blogs! I love you all, and want to thank you for being amazing friends. 

In Christ, 
Nick, The Towheaded Rambler
12/11/2011 02:15:09 pm

I can't wait to hear the stories of what amazing things God does in your life. :)


Nice info bro

1/27/2012 04:04:35 am

Appreciate your data

3/22/2012 12:12:28 am

Fine info dude

3/25/2012 02:55:50 am

Good post dude

5/30/2012 06:45:52 am

Many thanks for information

7/11/2012 03:37:57 pm

good post


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